During a microscopic "deep dive" into this cultured akoya pearl, demantoid and diamond ring, I was able to locate a prized "horsetail" inclusion within a demantoid! What is a horsetail inclusion, you ask? Read more to find out! While inclusions within diamonds or gems are generally not preferred, this type of horsetail inclusion actually adds value to demantoids! According to the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the exact origin and composition of horsetail inclusions in demantoids is still under discussion. Apparently, those in Russian, Italian, and Pakistanian material were reported to be chrysotile. A more recent study showed that the horsetail inclusions in some demantoids from the Ural Mountains may actually be hollow channels. So, to this day, the composition and origin of the prized horsetail inclusion is still up for discussion. What do you think about horsetail inclusions? Would you prefer your demantoid garnet to have one? Or you do you prefer cleaner material? The ring pictured above is home to the horsetail inclusion pictured.
>> Click here to visit the Demantoid section of our website. >> Click here to shop our collection of Demantoid Garnets. #GlobalGemology #demantoid #demantoidgarnet #horsetailinclusion #horsetaildemantoid #demantoidgarnetring #demantoidinclusions #geminclusions #uniqueinclusions #raregems #jewelry #beauty #fashion #history #gemologist #certifiedmasterappraiser #registeredgemologistappraiser #jewelryappraiser
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Scott Papper