Variety: Trapiche Emerald
Species: Beryl Mohs Hardness: 7.5 to 8 out of 10 Color: Medium light to dark green, slightly yellowish green and bluish green with a distinctive six spoke pattern RI: 1.56 of 1.57 Spot Reading Birefringence: 0.006 to 0.007 (Often Not Detectable) SR/DR/AGG: DR/AGG Clarity Type: Type III Optic Character: Uniaxial negative Pleochroism: Weak green & bluish green Spectrum: Broad absorption at 580 to 630nm. Lines at 646 & 662nm. Distinct lines at 680.5 & 683nm. Almost complete absorption of the violet. Fluorescence: Generally inert SG: 2.68 to 2.71 (Could be lower due to spoke inclusions) Routine Treatments: Oiling Additional Enhancements: Fracture filling, dyeing |